Connected Commerce | Solution overview | Genpact
  • Solution overview

Connected Commerce

A holistic approach to sustainable growth

The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically altered consumer behavior by driving more people to shop exclusively from home than ever before. It has resulted in opportunities for companies across industries to accelerate their transformation journeys by investing in digital commerce capabilities to meet this surge in customer demand.

Today's digital commerce path is challenging because it requires a series of touchpoints, platforms, operations, and connections across front-, middle-, and back-office journeys that drive measurable business outcomes and deliver memorable customer experiences.

At Genpact, we call this Connected Commerce.


Remove obstacles that eat into digital commerce profitability

Many enterprises lack a cohesive approach to digital commerce in terms of technology infrastructure, customer journeys, and operating models – and that's a problem. If you have a fragmented digital experience, you're losing sales and eroding customer loyalty because you're working with poor customer data. Plus, you can't scale up to new geographies and product lines effectively, resulting in poor customer service and low profitability. And even when you do make sales, you stand to forfeit about 10% in revenue due to inefficiencies, especially if your supply chain can't adapt to different order sizes. What's more, if you're dealing with Amazon, penalties for not meeting its requirements can cause up to 20% in additional revenue leakage. Direct-to-consumer (DTC) brands are wary of third-party marketplaces, especially Amazon, because they don't want to get cut out of the customer relationship. Brands also risk losing valuable data and direct feedback from customers by selling through third parties.


Unlock opportunities for digital commerce growth and profitability

Your business can resolve these issues. With the right expertise, you can deliver seamless experiences across channels and remove inefficiencies while integrating data, experience, and operations into your digital commerce strategy.

Genpact's approach is to explore every aspect of your enterprise and gather as many perspectives as we can to learn all about your processes so we can isolate challenges and unearth opportunities. Next, we create a service design that brings together your company's operations with customer expectations, eliminating the pain points that are holding your business back.

We bring all our capabilities to bear, including Rightpoint, a Genpact company with proven expertise in building impactful experiences driven by insight, strategy, design, and technology. And we deploy every process and supply chain innovation for which we're known. This combination of design, engineering, and business knowledge means we can pull the right levers to help your enterprise grow.

We have a full suite of Connected Commerce offerings across the front, middle, and back offices. Our front-office solutions take a human-centered approach to deliver impact across your DTC channels, B2B platforms, and marketplaces. Middle-office solutions address your needs relating to omnichannel supply chain and analytics. The back-office solutions cater to end-to-end financial planning and accounting along with process innovation through technological expertise.

If you're selling on Amazon, we can manage your operations with the platform and optimize every process that's involved. This ends the margin-diluting penalties that occur when you don't observe the platform's stringent regulations. You will also gain access to previously untapped analytics and insights so you can make the most of Amazon's marketplace to grow profitably.

If you sell directly to consumers, we can establish new online channels that build powerful relationships with customers. We can design and implement a user experience strategy that connects front-end platforms such as Adobe Experience Cloud, Adobe Commerce Cloud, Optimizely, and Shopify, with middle and back offices, enabling your business to grow at scale. Misalignments that caused inefficiencies and revenue leakage become a thing of the past.

If your business is B2B, we can revamp your platform to optimize it for exceptional customer experience. Our marketplace design and delivery capabilities can standardize your operations so you can scale at speed. In addition, we can establish a center of excellence to keep your company working at its best.

And no matter your mode of operation, we offer the following benefits:

  • A digital commerce vision and strategy with a capabilities assessment, platform selection, and product roadmap
  • A fully integrated, end-to-end user experience and operations design
  • An omnichannel supply chain built for digital commerce
  • Analytics and insights that deliver rich intelligence
  • End-to-end finance planning and accounting that manage risk and compliance
  • Technology and operational excellence with process innovation and efficiency
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Related graphic 2 connected commerce


Revenue-boosting results

Many major enterprises have already put our Connected Commerce solutions to work. Here are some of the positive impacts they've made so far:

  • A 5–20% reduction in revenue leakage
  • Order backlogs cleared four times faster
  • Accelerated rates toward best-in-class automation
  • A 60% improvement in productivity
  • A nearly 70% increase in repeat customer revenue
  • A 45% reduction in end-to-end cycle time for faster speed to market

Visit our sales and commercial services page

Our growing Connected Commerce capabilities combined with our industry domain knowledge and back-end operational expertise set us apart from traditional front-end focused agencies and partners. Genpact is here to help you reimagine connected, end-to-end operations designed to better serve new consumer demand for exceptional digital experiences.
