Looking for IA? Combine orchestration and RPA | Genpact
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Looking for intelligent automation? Here are 3 reasons to combine orchestration and RPA

Lalitha Kompella

Former VP & CTO, Global Head of Intelligent Automation

James Luxford

Former VP, Digital Solutions



In the early stages of your intelligent automation journey, you're probably exploring the use cases and benefits of robotic process automation (RPA). But just as you wouldn't hire a bunch of new employees without thinking about how they'll work together, you shouldn't bring in bots without the same consideration.

This is where orchestration comes in.

Think of a music conductor standing before an orchestra. The conductor coordinates the different musicians to produce a song. Similarly, orchestration connects and controls all the components of intelligent automation to deliver an end-to-end process in a cohesive manner.

Combining RPA and orchestration will kick-start your journey towards intelligent automation

Although RPA can improve a single task, orchestration optimizes a series of tasks. It becomes the glue that holds all the pieces of your automation strategy together.

The most mature orchestration strategies will think beyond the bots. By also capturing the human element – of where and when employees are, or should be, intervening – it becomes much easier to see what's working, what's not, and what to do about it.

Here are three reasons your business should combine orchestration and RPA.

1. It helps your employees focus on what matters most:

RPA improves employee productivity by allowing employees to focus on higher-value work. Adding in orchestration also gives employees the insights they need to make informed decisions about how to manage the RPA strategy effectively.

2. It simplifies and standardizes complex processes:

As businesses grow, so does complexity. With RPA and orchestration, you can bring processes back to a simpler time. With a standardized approach, it's then much easier to replicate this simplification across other areas of your business. Once you've simplified processes, you'll have the opportunity to explore intelligent automation as your business continues to grow.

3. It gives you a consolidated view for compliance and control:

As part of orchestration, you can establish governance and controls up front to mitigate risk effectively. This means you can catch small issues before they turn into big problems. Also, when it's time for auditing, you'll have the single version of the truth required to make things run more smoothly.

So, where is your business on the journey to realizing these benefits? Whether you're just getting started with automation, or looking to refine what you've already achieved, you need to employ the right technologies at the right time.

This is where you might seek help from a third party. Perhaps you've already been offered the latest and greatest automation technologies by an array of providers – but do they truly understand your business?

Automation doesn't follow a one-size-fits-all approach. Without understanding the culture, challenges, and nuances of how your business operates, you risk investing in a solution that might not give you the results you expect or were promised.

Technology is just a piece of the puzzle – you need industry expertise to see the bigger picture

Genpact brings both industry and digital expertise to the table. With vast insights and experience gained from immersing ourselves in of some of the world's largest businesses, we can solve problems from multiple perspectives and make your automation strategy a success.

Let's not forget, intelligent automation is the ultimate goal. RPA is part of a solid automation strategy, and orchestration brings your business closer to intelligent automation. But the next step is to add artificial intelligence (AI) to the mix. When you do this, the benefits are even greater.

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