Insurance underwriting transformation | Genpact
  • Webinar

Insurance underwriting transformation

Insurance underwriting is undergoing a period of accelerated digital transformation. In this webinar, we take a deep-dive into what these changes mean for insurance products, underwriters, insurtechs, and the customer experience.

Watch our panel of experts discuss the trends having the biggest impact on underwriting and where carriers should focus investments.


  • Karlyn Carnahan, Head - Property, Casualty, North America, Celent
  • Tiku Raval, Chief Operating Officer, The General
  • John Cantwell, Insurance Underwriting Global Service Line Leader, Genpact
Insurance underwriting transformation speakers

The future of underwriting

An overview of how the insurance has shifted from indemnification to broader services, priced on behaviors rather than individuals, and driven by data rather than underwriters.

Insurance underwriting trends and investments

The trends having the biggest impact on personal lines and commercial underwriting and which technologies carriers should prioritize.

Human underwriting in a digital world

How do you balance data vs. human-led underwriting to make the most of underwriting expertise and provide a great customer experience.

The role of insurtechs and regulation

Thoughts on how should traditional insurers approach insurtechs, whether a new industry model will emerge, and if excessive regulation stifles a good customer experience.

Jumpstarting transformation

How leaders can jumpstart transformation within their own organizations by prioritizing the outcomes they want to achieve.

What's next?

Predictions and advice from the panel on the underwriting transformation journey.
